Monday, August 11, 2014

More Germans than expected

Just a brief first post to get things up and running.  After staying up all night last Tuesday with the intention of sleeping on the flight, I was apparently the lucky winner of the screaming baby contest on my flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam.  I guess I can sleep when I'm dead.  My flight out of Amsterdam to Kristiansand was uneventful.

Eventually I made it to the Kristiansand bus stop and was able to meet some of the other international students and Erasmus Student Network "buddies."  First five people I talked to were from Deutschland - about 40% of all international students this year are German.  Got a quick nap in before my roommate arrived (German, of course).  Headed to the beach with my roommate and about ten other Germans.  Everyone's English seems pretty good, but I think they kept forgetting that I was American because the German was flowing fast and furious.  Really struggling with the time difference.

Some beach pics:


  1. The beach looks beautiful. What is the temperature and do people swim here?

  2. I have seen people swim but it looks pretty cold.

  3. I shared your blog. You may get a few replies.

  4. Ok. Not sure that last thing took. So, I will try again. Love the pictures. Keep them coming as I am living vicariously through you. Have fun!
    Diane Thorp

  5. Wow! You don't see terrain like that in Minnesota, or even in Nebraska. The Trolls Tongue kind of looks like Pride Rock from The Lion King.

  6. Awesome pictures! You should take a picture of your group when you get to these spectacular places. Yikes! What did it feel like to be sitting on the Troll's Tongue (top of the world)?

  7. It felt pretty neat, but I couldn't sit on the edge very long without getting vertigo!
